Night Diamond Bloody Red

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Penjelasan Subject Verb Agreement dan 10 Soal - Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Subject-verb agreement merupakan suatu topic pembahasan yang menarik untuk kita bahas lebih. Seperti kita ketahui Subject berarti subjek, Verb adalah kata kerja, dan Agreement berarti kesesuaian. Ini berarti bisa kita simpulkan bahwa, Subject Verb Agreement adalah kesesuaian antara subjek dengan kata kerja dalam sebuah kalimat.
Jadi “Apa sih subject verb agreement itu?”, “Bagaimana contoh subject verb agreement?”, “Apa saja aturan dalam subject verb agreement?”. Let’s discuss!

Pengertian Subject-Verb Agreement
Subject-verb agreement adalah persesuaian antara verb dengan subject dalam hal number, yaitu: singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak). Subjek dapat berupanounpronoun, atau konstruksi lain yang berakting sebagai noun, seperti gerund daninfinitive. Pada dasarnya, singular subject (subjek tunggal) menggunakan singular verb (kata kerja tunggal), sedangkan plural subject (subjek jamak) menggunakanplural verb (kata kerja jamak).

Subject-Verb Agreement (Umum)
Secara umum pada bentuk present tensesingular verb berupa base form (bentuk dasar) dari verb dengan ditambahkan suffix (akhiran) -s. Adapun padaplural verb tanpa ditambahkan suffix -s (sebaliknya, plural subject ditambahkan suffix-s). Aturan kata kerja ini berlaku pula pada subjek berupa third person (orang ketiga, contoh: Ricky, Anna) dan semua personal pronoun (they, we= jamak; he, she, it= tunggal), kecuali I dan you. Walaupun berupa subjek tunggal, I dan you dipasangkan dengan kata kerja bentuk jamak.
Subjek tunggal harus mempunyai kata kerja tunggal. Begitu pula subjek jamak harus mempunyai kata kerja jamak. Ini kita sebut sebagai kesesuaian subjek-kata kerja (subject-verb agreement).
Perhatikan penjelasan berikut ini :


  • A bus hits a tree. (sebuah bus menabrak pohon.)
Ø  A bus tunggal dan kata kerjanya pun harus tunggal, hits.
  • Two buses hit a tree. (Dua buah bus menabrak pohon.)
Ø  Two buses jamak dan kata kerjanya pun harus jamak, hit.
  • A cup of tea is enough. (secangkir teh cukup.)
Ø  A cup of tea tunggal dan kata kerjanya pun harus tunggal, is.
  • Two cups of tea are more than enough. (Dua cangkir tehlebih dari cukup.)
Ø  Two cups of tea jamak dan kata kerjanya pun harus jamak are.
Ketentuan yang paling penting dalam bahasa Inggris adalah bahwa antara subject dengan verb harus in agreement. Artinya, jika subject-nya singular maka verb-nya juga harus singular. Sebaliknya, jika subject-nya plural maka verb-nya juga harus plural.
  1. Singular subject-singular verb
Yang dimaksud dengan singular subject adalah subject pronoun he, she, dan it atau nouns yang dapat digantikan dengan he, she atau it; Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan singular verbs adalah verb1+es/s, is/was, serta verb phrase seperti: is/was + verb-ing/verb3, has + verb3, has been verb-ing dan has been verb3.
  1. Plural subject-plural verb
Yang dimaksud dengan plural subject adalah subject pronouns seperti I, we, you, they, dan semua plural nouns. Sedangkan yang dimaksud dengan plural verbs adalah verbs dan verb phrase selain singular verbs di atas.

Subject-Verb Agreement Ketika Subject Dipisahkan Oleh Prepositional Phrase Atau Oleh Ungkapan-Ungkapan (Expression).

  1. Subject-verb agreement ketika dipisahkan oleh prepositional phrase
Jika antara subject dengan verb dipisahkan oleh prepositional phrase (2 atau lebih kata yang diawali oleh preposition), prepositional phrase ini tidak berpengaruh terhadap verb. Yang perlu diperhatikan adalah apa subject kalimatnya. Jika subject-nya singular maka verb-nya juga harus singular, sedangkan jika subject-nya plural maka verb-nya juga harus plural.
Singular subject + (prepositional phrase) + singular verb
Plural subject + (prepositional phrase) + plural verb
  1. Subject-verb agreement ketika dipisahkan oleh together with, along with, as well as
Selain prepositional phrase di atas, ekspresi-ekspresi seperti together with, along with, accompanied by, dan as well as, juga tidak berpengaruh terhadap verb.
together with (bersama-sama dengan)
along with (bersama-sama dengan)
accompanied by (ditemani oleh)
as well as (begitu juga, dan)

Subject Verb Agreement memiliki aturan, berikut adalah aturan tersebut:

Aturan 1
Dua singular subjects yang dihubungkan dengan kata or atau nor membutuhkan singular verb, contoh:
  • My father or my my mother is visiting your house.
  • Neither Danny nor Siska does not want to work with me.
Aturan 2
Gunakan plural verb untuk singular project yang dihubungkan ke plural subject menggunakan or atau nor.
  • The president or the armies are available to defend for our country.
Aturan 3
Gunakan plural verb untuk dua subjek atau lebih ketika mereka dihubungkan dengan conjunction ‘and’.
  • A pen and a pencils are the tools to write.
Aturan 4
Gunakan singular verb untuk pronoun seperti each, everyone, every one, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, dan somebody.
  • Each of the boys runs
Aturan 5
Frase ‘the number’ yang berarti jumlah, diikuti oleh singular verb. Sementara kata ‘a number’ yang berarti sejumlah diikuti oleh plural verb.
  • The number of people that submit work application to us has been enough.
  • A number of kids come to my shop and buy ice cream
Aturan 6
Bila kata neither dan either menjadi subjek dalam kalimat, maka gunakan singular verb.
  • Neither of us is capable to write a good essay.
Either of us is able to speak English.
Aturan 7
Kata whowhich, dan that biasanya diletakkan di tengah kalimat. Kata kerja setelah whowhich, dan that menggunakan kata kerja yang bergantung pada kata yang dideskripsikan. Ketika kata tersebut singular, maka gunakan singular verb, namun ketika kata tersebut adalah plural, maka gunakan plural verb.
  • Rizal is the teacher who is loved by all his students.

Sumber :

Jawaban 10 soal

  1. John, along with twenty friends, are planning a party.
  2. The picture of the soldiers bring back many memories.
  3. The quality of these recordings are not very good.
  4. If the duties of these officers aren’t reduced, there will not be enough time to finish the project.
  5. The effects of cigarette smoking have been proven to be extremely harmful.
  6. The use of credit cards in place of cash have increased rapidly in recent years.
  7. Advertisements on television are becoming more competitive than ever before.
  8. Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, is an all-time high.
  9. Mr.Jones, accompanied by several members of the committee has proposed some changes of the rules.
  10. The levels of intoxication vary from subject to subject.

Nama : Irfan Nur Rakhman
Kelas : 4KA07
NPM : 13115431

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 " Your Experience"

My Experience, 
Productive Vacation in English Village

   On vacation last semester, I planned to take a vacation to the English village. English Village is a village located in Pare, Kediri, East Java. In this village there are many language courses, such as English, German, Japanese, and others. I had planned before I graduated, I had to improve my English skills, so I decided to go to English Village. By the way i go there by myself, I want feel something new, on productive vacation alone, meet new friends there and live like a freeman. I use train to go there. I live in Bogor, so I took KRL train to Gondangdia Station and then I use Gojek to Pasar Senen Station. Pasar Senen Station is one of station in Jakarta that provided long distance trip, My last destination is Kediri Station. It took about 12 hours to go there. When I arrived in Kediri Station, I order Gojek again to go to Pare. It took about 1 hours to go there.

   While in English Village, I studied English at Mr. Bob. Mr. Bob is one of the favorite language courses in the English Village. In there I studied English for 2 weeks. While studying in English Village, I stayed in a camp provided by Mr. Bob. I met new friends there. New friends that come from many regions. In my room, I live with three of my friends. This camp is specifically for men. In the camp there are rules, such as always use English everyday, if you break the rules more than three times there will be a penalty of writing a story with 250 words using English, if you break the rules more than 5 times, then you will speak English in front of Mr.Bob's office. The class where I study English is about 400 meters away from the camp I live in. So I decided to rented a bicycle. In Pare, there are so many bicycle here, many people, whether it’s local resident or comer, in here many people use bicycle. And also there are many new things that I feel while living in Kampung Inggris, such as food prices and laundry prices that is so cheap.

   While studying at Mr.Bob, I took the Speakup class, the Prononciation class, and the Toefl class. On Mr.Bob there are many choices of classes, we must choose what we want to learn. Just like in a camp, when studying in class there are rules, we must be able to do what the teacher asks, like in the Speakup class, I have to be able to make instant stories, with themes that are made randomly. If we fail to do the requested thing, we will be punished. Punishment in each class is the same namely our face will be given powder. I am very happy with how to study like this, I am not at all bored. I enjoy all the processes of learning English here. I study from Monday to Friday, and every Friday night there will be a camp gathering event, each camp will show speeches or dramas using English. This program is very exciting because this program has many funny things.

          On Saturdays and Sundays we are on holiday. In Pare, there are lot of car and motorcycle rental places. So, when day off, we decided rent a car and motorcycle. Me and my friends went for a trip to Kediri city, we visited a Simpang Lima monument, and we also went to the mall in Kediri. And also during our day off, we went to places that were amazing, such as the cave of Selomangleng, Batu Paralayang Tourism, and Mount Bromo. I am very happy with this experience. It's such an amazing 2 weeks, I will never forget this amazing vacation. I get more knowledge about English language, plus I get unforgettable scenery from an amazing places. I really enjoyed my vacation while studying in English Village.

Nama : Irfan Nur Rakhman
NPM : 13115431
Kelas : 4KA07